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Review: Opening Performance “Listening’s Urgency”

On March 11, Har­di Kur­da invi­ted to Gal­le­ry Blech for the start of his radio pro­ject “Lis­ten­in­g’s Urgen­cy”. With mul­ti-laye­red forms of acoustic expres­si­on and inter­ac­tion, the pro­ject ques­ti­ons the legi­ti­ma­cy of the legi­ti­ma­te, the con­struc­tion of ille­ga­li­ty, and dis­cus­ses the free­dom that lis­tening can offer:

Who deci­des what is “legal” and what is “ille­gal”? The rules that con­trol us in ever­y­day life are crea­ted by social struc­tures and poli­ti­cal power. Can lis­tening open up a space for thin­king and reflec­ting? Can the rules of ille­ga­li­ty be ques­tio­ned by lis­tening? Is lis­tening illegal?

For the begin­ning of the pro­ject Kur­da asked radio makers and lis­teners what ille­ga­li­ty means to them. The first inter­views resul­ted in a radio play, which was broad­cast live on air on March 11th on Radio CORAX 95.9 and trans­mit­ted in the per­for­mance space. The­re the audi­ence was invi­ted to crea­te the sound of the per­for­mance and to explo­re their own listening:


“Lis­ten­in­g’s Urgen­cy” instal­la­ti­on, per­for­mance and radio pie­ce by Har­di Kur­da (excerpt)
with: Albert, Jas­min Git­tel and Götz Rubisch
as well as with com­po­si­ti­ons by Har­di Kur­da, inter­pre­ted by Ensem­ble Recher­ché, Frei­burg, and impro­vi­sa­ti­ons by Kha­bat Abas, cel­lo, and Har­di Kur­da, radio and electronics



Pho­to: Mar­cus-Andre­as Mohr

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