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Listening’s Urgency on

On Sunday, July 12 and Mon­day, July 13, Har­di Kur­da will be on air on with his radio pro­ject “Lis­ten­in­g’s Urgen­cy”. — the Remo­te Radio is a tem­pora­ry radio pro­gram­me of the Bau­haus Uni­ver­si­ty Wei­mar, in which stu­dents under­ta­ke an attempt to exami­ne the pre­sent from the future’s per­spec­ti­ve. In the mode of fic­tio­n­al radio docu­men­ta­ti­on, poses ques­ti­ons about chan­ged con­di­ti­ons of per­cep­ti­on and a life under con­di­ti­ons of inse­cu­re know­ledge and action.


July 12, 5.30 pm CET: Sound transmission and listening: challenges of the present

Open the dis­cus­sion around sound trans­mis­si­on, radio and the chan­ges of the lis­tening situa­ti­on, with: Anna Brom­ley, Rober­to Paci Dalo, Eleft­he­ri­os Kry­sa­lis, Har­di Kur­da, prof. Natha­lie Sin­ger and prof. Chris­tia­ne Voss

July 13, 3 pm CET: Everything Illegal on pres­ents the radio per­for­mance “Ever­ything Ille­gal” by Har­di Kur­da and Nina Guo


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