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Everything Illegal — Live Radio Performance

In his radio pro­ject Lis­ten­in­g’s Urgen­cy Har­di Kur­da ques­ti­ons the legi­ti­ma­cy of the legal and the con­struc­tion of illegality:

Ille­ga­li­ty is awa­reness of a move­ment which does­n’t have a voice, which is not reco­gni­zed, which is not nor­mal. Ille­ga­li­ty pro­vo­ca­tes and askes for some­thing to change.

For the final per­for­mance as part of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy, Kur­da meets the sopra­no and voice per­for­mer Nina Guo for a tele­pa­thic live radio per­for­mance that invi­tes lis­teners to fol­low them into the frin­ge are­as of social order. What emer­ges is a radio­pho­nic nar­ra­ti­on that draws on per­so­nal expe­ri­en­ces from the­se mar­gi­nal are­as. It is based on con­ver­sa­ti­ons with the cel­list Kha­bat Abas, the per­for­mance artist Sher­ko Abbas and a for­mer smugg­ler, who have shared their sto­ries with us, as well as on Kur­das own story.

Sunday, June 7, 8 pm
on Radio CORAX 95.9 Mhz in Halle
and via live-stream on RADIOCORAX.DE
as well as on / 88.4 MHz in Berlin


The live radio per­for­mance will be relay­ed by the radio fes­ti­val Lati­tu­de on Air: Unsett­ling Power Rela­ti­ons.

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