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As complex as a bird’s song


Sara Ham­dy from Cai­ro is the fourth scho­l­ar of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy. Ham­dy gra­dua­ted in fine in arts at the Hel­wan Uni­ver­si­ty in Cai­ro. Her poe­tic artis­tic prac­ti­ce inclu­des visu­als and sound as well as text and per­for­mance. What leads her works is the hid­den and con­cea­led – this what we can­not see nor hear, but only sense:

Obvious­ly I’m fasci­na­ted by what we call ›mad­ness‹. In Ara­bic ›mad‹ means the hid­den, in the sen­se of con­cea­le­ment. The­re is some­thing of who­se exis­tence we know but we don’t see it, like the unspo­ken histo­ry of memo­ry, like the gar­dens behind the walls or the woods with their hid­den seeds in the earth.

Sara Ham­dy, Per­for­mance, The Com­plex Songs, 2016.


For the ope­ning of her resi­den­cy in Hal­le (Saa­le), the artist per­forms her work The Com­plex Songs, on the 21st of Sep­tem­ber as part of the Radio CORAX anni­ver­say cele­bra­ti­ons.






Sara Ham­dy about her art work and ide­as for the Radio Art Resi­den­cy (40 min.)


Pic­tu­re: Sara Hamdy


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