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Radio Art Residency Review

In the cour­se of the inter­na­tio­nal resi­den­cy pro­gram Radio Art Resi­den­cy, five artists were invi­ted to come to Hal­le (Saa­le) and dis­co­ver and expe­ri­ment with the radio medi­um. For two and a half years the pro­gram was hos­ted by Radio CORAX and the Goe­the-Insti­tut. This sum­mer the pro­gram ended with the last resi­dent, Har­di Kur­da. On Satur­day, August 29, CORAX broad­casts an exten­si­ve review of the artists in resi­den­ce’s radio works.

On Air: Samstag, 29.8., 15.00 Uhr — 02.00 Uhr (CET)
auf Radio CORAX 95.9 in Halle (Saale) und im Live-Stream:

15:00 Sol Rez­za “All ears: map­ping the city acoustically”

16:30 André Damião “Mobi­le Music: collec­ti­ve noi­se and the public”

18:30 Har­di Kur­da “Ever­ything Ille­gal: the urgen­cy to lis­ten to the frin­ges of legality”

22:00 Sara Ham­dy “Mar­gins for Mad­ness: an ima­gi­na­ry gar­den as radio space”

22:00 Clai­re Ser­res “Raven Voices: dis­co­vering the voice in on-air-space”



Pho­to: Mobi­le Music Per­for­mance No. 3, André Damião & Noi­se Crowd / credits: Thies Streifinger

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