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No Ravens Left for the Funeral

The radio pie­ce “No Ravens Left for the Fun­e­ral” dis­cus­ses the jux­ta­po­si­ti­on of dif­fe­rent forms of sound defi­ni­ti­on media­ted by instru­men­tal impro­vi­sa­ti­on with pre­pa­red elec­tro­nic gui­tar, self-built cir­cuits and other elec­tro­nic instruments.

The pie­ce was crea­ted in the frame­work of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy and was broad­cast on Radia, a net­work of radio art sta­ti­ons across Euro­pe and beyond.

No Ravens Left for the Fun­e­ral by André Damião (28 min.)


Pho­to: Tina Klatte


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