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Radio Art Residency in concert

…Would have been nice, but had to be can­cel­led due to the coro­na pandemic…

On Fri­day, March 20, two guest artists of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy meet for a con­cert night at Salon Vil­la Plag­witz in Leipzig.

André Damião II Narva 2

André Damião works bet­ween the fiel­ds of music and elec­tro­nic arts and expe­ri­ments with self-built mobi­le devices as means for iti­nerant sound art pro­duc­tion. In 2019 he was the third artist-in-resi­dence at Radio CORAX in Halle.

NARVA 2 Damião’s audio-visu­al instru­ment is part of a seri­es of mobi­le music objects. Named after the GDR light bulb manu­fac­tu­rer, the hacked por­ta­ble tv repres­ents the genea­lo­gy of the por­ta­ble means and its rela­ti­on with pro­gram­med obso­le­scence, the means of pro­duc­tion and their effects in dai­ly life.

HARDI KURDA II Radiola Springs

Har­di Kur­da is a com­po­ser, sound artist and impro­vi­ser. His work reflects the lis­tening in the time of cri­sis. In his per­for­man­ces and com­po­si­ti­ons he uses the radio as an instru­ment to explo­re the tonal mate­ri­al of the fre­quen­cy band. Until May Kur­da is guest artist at the Radio Art Resi­den­cy in Halle.

RADIOLA SPRINGS Kur­da’s pre­pa­red vio­la will have its first performance.

Radio Art Residency in Concert
Friday / March 20
doors: 8pm
Salon Villa Plagwitz / Karl-Heine-Str. 108


In coope­ra­ti­on with Seanaps


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