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Hardi Kurda featured in “Hörspielmagazin”


Har­di Kur­da and his radio pro­ject “Lis­ten­in­g’s Urgen­cy” have been fea­tured in the “Hör­spiel­ma­ga­zin” on Deutschlandfunk.

The Kur­dish com­po­ser and musi­ci­an Har­di Kur­da dis­co­vers the radio as an instru­ment that chal­len­ges our lis­tening and ques­ti­ons the social order. Oscil­la­ting free­ly bet­ween the fre­quen­ci­es, he poses the ques­ti­on of ille­ga­li­ty and its con­se­quen­ces for peop­le and society.

Har­di Kur­da: Die Frei­heit der Fre­quen­zen / Hör­spiel­ma­ga­zin, 28.07.2020




Pho­to: Gai­lan A. Ismail

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