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Opening of the 3rd Radio Art Residency & Radio Revolten book launch

Two years after the Radio Revol­ten Inter­na­tio­nal Radio Art Fes­ti­val, Radio CORAX invi­tes you to cele­bra­te the unusu­al and play­ful radio. To mark the publi­ca­ti­on of the Radio Art Fes­ti­val 2016 book Radio Revol­ten. 30 Days of Radio Art and the ope­ning of the third Radio Art Resi­den­cy in coope­ra­ti­on with the Goe­the-Insti­tut, a joint radio per­for­mance will take place on March 14 at the Hal­le (Saa­le) Ope­ra Café and on air. The per­for­mance will bring tog­e­ther the voices of Radio Revol­ten 2016 cura­tors and artists, scho­l­ar­s­hip hol­ders from the last two Radio Art Resi­den­ci­es, and the Bra­zi­li­an com­po­ser and media artist André Damião, artist in resi­dence at Radio CORAX for the next three months.

Radio Revolten radio performance

on Thurs­day, March 14, 2019
8 – 9 p.m., doors open at 7:30 p.m.
Café of the Ope­ra in Hal­le (Saa­le) (Uni­ver­si­täts­ring 24, 06108 Halle/Saale)
Live on Radio CORAX 95.9 FM in Hal­le (Saa­le) / Live on WGXC 90.7 FM in New York Sta­te / Live-Stream

Opening remarks

Knut Auf­er­mann, radio artist and artis­tic direc­tor at Radio Revol­ten Fes­ti­val 2016
Marc-André Schmach­tel, Depart­ment of Film, Tele­vi­si­on, Radio broad­cas­ting, Goe­the-Insti­tut, Munich
Tina Klat­te, Coor­di­na­tor Radio Art Resi­den­cy, Radio CORAX

Radio Revolten radio performance with the radio artists

Knut Auf­er­mann, Ste­ve Bates, André Damião, Anna Friz, Marold Lan­ger-Phil­ipp­sen, Sal­ly Ann McIn­ty­re, Sol Rez­za, Clai­re Ser­res, Sarah Washing­ton and Ralf Wendt and radio makers of Radio CORAX

In Octo­ber 2016, over 80 radio artists gathe­red in Hal­le (Saa­le) for the Inter­na­tio­nal Radio Art Fes­ti­val Radio Revol­ten. The book Radio Revol­ten. 30 Days of Radio Art docu­ments the artis­tic works from the festival’s own radio sta­ti­on, the instal­la­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces, and reflects con­tem­pora­ry artis­tic approa­ches to the future use and social stan­ding of the medi­um of radio. The book is publis­hed by Spec­tor Books Leip­zig and inclu­des arti­cles by Knut Auf­er­mann, Anna Friz, Helen Hah­mann, Mar­tin Har­tung, Lukas Hol­feld, Udo Isra­el, Tina Klat­te, Jan Lang­ham­mer, Micha­el Nico­lai, Sarah Washing­ton, Ralf Wendt, Gre­go­ry Whit­ehead, Flo­ri­an Wüst and Eli­sa­beth Zim­mer­mann. The pho­tos were taken by the Hal­le pho­to­gra­pher Mar­cus-Andre­as Mohr. The book was desi­gned by gra­phic desi­gner Nas­tia Bessarabova.

With the Radio Art Resi­den­cy, Radio CORAX con­ti­nues to explo­re the medi­um of radio as a labo­ra­to­ry for artis­tic pro­ces­ses. In coope­ra­ti­on with the Goe­the-Insti­tut and the sup­port of the Sax­o­ny-Anhalt Arts Foun­da­ti­on, the fel­low­ship pro­gram stri­ves to make inter­na­tio­nal acti­vi­ties in the gen­re of radio art visi­ble and audi­ble to a lar­ger audi­ence. Fol­lowing in the foots­teps of sound artist Sol Rez­za and per­for­mance artist Clai­re Ser­res, the Bra­zi­li­an com­po­ser and media artist André Damião holds the Radio Art Residency’s third scho­l­ar­s­hip. His work reflects cri­ti­cal­ly on the gen­re of elec­tro­nic art by employ­ing mobi­le, inter­ac­ti­ve music with por­ta­ble elec­tro­nic devices, with which Damião will also expe­ri­ment during his three-mon­th resi­den­cy at Radio CORAX, both on and off the air. Damião is cur­r­ent­ly a doc­to­ral stu­dent in Sono­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of São Pau­lo. His works have been pre­sen­ted at the 30th São Pau­lo Art Bien­ni­al, at the Sci­ence Gal­le­ry in Lon­don and at the Mata Fes­ti­val in New York, among others.

Press Contact

Tina Klat­te, +49 (0)345 4700 745, tina-klatte[at]

Helen Hah­mann, +49 (0)345 2998 797, helen-hahmann[at]

More information



Gra­phic: Nas­tia Bessarabova


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