Listening’s Urgency: Hardi Kurda is the 5th Artist in Residence
Composer and sound artist Hardi Kurda is the fifth recipient of the Radio Art Residency scholarship. Kurda studied music in Slemani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq and composition in Leipzig, Germany and Gothenburg, Sweden. In his performances and compositions he uses the radio as an instrument to explore the frequency spectrum as tonal material.
I was always looking for a way to make music and feel free at doing so — in the sense that I didn’t want to impose a preconceived idea on time, the exploration of space, or the perception of the environment. And I found this freedom in radio, in the frequencies that are free to be listened to and used.
Kurda will further explore the freedom in the frequency’s intermediary tones during his three-month residency at Radio CORAX. Under the title Listening’s Urgency he aims to develop a radio practice that will be continued in Kurdistan-Iraq, where he grew up and founded a festival for sound art and experimental music in 2017, bringing artistic sound practices into the public sphere. For the opening of his residency, Hardi Kurda invites listeners to participate in an interactive radio performance:
Through interaction, the visitors should find or change different frequencies through interaction. It is important to me that they listen actively, interact with each other and make decisions. Because that’s what radio does for me: it brings people into contact.
Opening Performance “listening’s Urgency”
on Weds, March 11, 6.30 pm
at Blech – Raum für Kunst Halle / Am Steintor 19
& 7 pm on Radio CORAX 95.9
Further reading & listening:
→ Live talk with Hardi Kurda on Radio CORAX 95.9 and online: Sunday, February 16, 8 pm
→ Interview on the program magazine of Radio CORAX (German)
Photo: Hardi Kurda, Space 21 Festival, Erbil 2019; credits: Gailan A. Ismail