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Kühle Brunnen. An acoustic conquest

Pho­to: Sol Rezza


The Renais­sance palace „Küh­le Brun­nen“ (cool well) lies hid­den in a win­ding alle­way clo­se to the mar­ket place of Hal­le (Saa­le). Com­mis­sio­ned by the lou­che car­di­nal Albrecht of Bran­den­burg the the buil­ding was crea­ted as a place for bodi­ly wel­fa­re and plea­su­re. Built around 1520 the buil­ding now is in pri­va­te hands and pro­tec­ted as a his­to­ric monument.
Sol Rez­za, artist-in-resi­dence from Argentina/Mexico, Mark Horn­bo­gen, Tina Klat­te, Eli­sa­beth Rän­del and Ralf Wendt, radio makers and artists from Hal­le, brought the Küh­le Brun­nen to life again.

For one after­noon, on Fri­day, April 13, they ope­ned up the his­to­ric walls and crea­ted on air and on site a place libe­ra­ted from church, con­ven­ti­ons and attri­bu­ti­ons. The secrets sur­roun­ding the secu­lar desi­res of car­di­nal Albrecht form the his­to­ri­cal back­ground for a broad­cast ques­tio­ning the restric­tions to pre­sent lust and desire.

Extracts of the three hour radio broadcast:

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