„Listening’s Urgency“ – Live Radio Performance
In times of contact restrictions the radio is all the more an instrument to bridge the isolation. What role does listening play in times of crisis? In his project “Listening’s Urgency” the composer and sound artist Hardi Kurda, current stipendiary of the Radio Art Residency, explores this question.
In this, Kurda is searching for the in-between sounds of the medium and the gaps in the social order: Do we overstep the borders of legality by listening? What does illegality mean? Can illegality make noise? Is noise illegal?
A live radio ensemble of musicians, artists and writers from different parts of the world pursue these questions in Kurdas piece. The radio listeners are invited to follow them and to reflect their own listening.
In the course of the performance we invite you to share your listening impressions via chat.
Tune in:
Listening’s Urgency – Live Radio Performance
with: André Damião, Maximilian Glass, I‑ID, Peshraw Mohammed, Kani Kamil, Kamil Korolczuk, Hardi Kurda, Soheil Soheili, Niga Salam, Ralf Wendt
Sunday, April 26, 2020, 8pm (CET)
on Radio CORAX 95.9 & streaming on radiocorax.de
Graphic: Score for Radio (Hardi Kurda, 2020)