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The Complex Songs at Radiolab

Sara Ham­dy’s per­for­mance pro­ject The Com­plex Songs will be con­ti­nued during the Radio­lab at Seanaps Fes­ti­val for trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry music in Leipzig.
The per­for­mance is based on record­ings of bird­songs the artist collec­ted in Hal­le, Leip­zig, Cai­ro and Alex­an­dria, and trans­for­med into scores for vocal inter­pre­ta­ti­on. For the Radio­lab edi­ti­on of the per­for­mance a tem­pora­ry choir of six sin­gers and voice per­for­mers deve­lo­pes its own inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the scores.

On air: Satur­day, Novem­ber 9, 3 pm on Radio CORAX 95.9
On site: Vil­la Plag­witz, Karl-Hei­ne-Stra­ße 108, Leipzig


Gra­phic: Mote Studio


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