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Mobile Music Workshop — No.1

Pho­to: Rita Wu


We want to build up a Noise Crowd…

Radio CORAX’ guest artist André Damião works bet­ween the fiel­ds of music and elec­tro­nic arts and expe­ri­ments with self-built mobi­le devices as means for iti­nerant sound art pro­duc­tion. In São Pau­lo André was deve­lo­ping a Noi­se Crowd (Blo­co Ruí­do) as a Car­ne­val group, which cros­ses the city cent­re on Ash Wed­nes­days. During his resi­dence at Radio CORAX he wants to extend this prac­ti­ce of mobi­le sound art to the radio.

In Hal­le a new noi­se crowd should come to life, which wri­tes unhe­ard sound sto­ries in the urban space, and expe­ri­ments on and off air with the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween space and sound. The instru­ments for this public per­for­man­ces will be built by our­sel­ves using ampli­fiers, cir­cuits, mobi­le pho­nes, sirens and other devices.

In the first work­shop André pres­ents his artis­tic prac­ti­ce, pro­po­ses a reflec­tion on the sonic space of the city, shows how to build the objects for the per­for­man­ces, like small syn­ths and ampli­fiers, and makes some expe­ri­men­ta­ti­ons with dif­fe­rent types of loudspeakers.

Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on requirements

Inte­rest and desi­re for lis­tening, sound­ing and do-it-yourself con­struc­tion. Sin­ce the work­shop is the star­ting point for forming a noi­se crowd, it would be good if you are wil­ling to par­ti­ci­pa­te in fur­ther work­shops and collec­ti­ve per­for­man­ces in the upco­m­ing two months.
The work­shop will be in Eng­lish, but plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te, we try to help with translation.

Sunday 7 April 2019 / 14.00 – 17.00
Radio CORAX, Unterberg 11, Halle (Saale)

No par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on fee.

Sign Up

If you are inte­res­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, plea­se wri­te us a short note at:

If you have questions:

Tina Klat­te / Tel 0345 . 4 70 07 45 /

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