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Mobile Music Performance No. 1

On Satur­day, April 13, a new­ly for­med noi­se crowd is going to explo­re the acoustic space of Hal­le. With self-con­struc­ted elec­tro acoustic sound objects and radi­os we are wal­king through the city drawing feed­back loo­ps, and invi­t­ing you for a play with sound and radio.

Tune in: 1pm – 3pm on 95.9 FM & via stream
Or: Bring your kitchen radio and follow us! 12.30pm at radio corax (Unterberg 11)

The per­for­mance is part of a pro­ject on collec­ti­ve elec­tro acoustic music pro­duc­tion on which the bra­zi­li­an artist André Damião is working during his artis­t’s resi­dence at Radio CORAX. Damião is scho­l­ar of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy at Radio CORAX until June.

We would like to thank the Bar­tho­lo­mä­us – Kir­che in Gie­bichen­stein and pas­tor Ralf Döb­be­ling for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inclu­de the sounds of the Rühl­mann-Organ into the first Mobi­le Music Performance.



Pho­to: Rita Wu


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