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Opening Performance: The Complex Songs

On Sep­tem­ber 21st, Sara Ham­dy per­for­med “The Com­plex Songs” for the ope­ning of her resi­den­cy in Hal­le at WUK Theaterquartier.
The per­for­mance is based on records of birds songs, Ham­dy has collec­ted and trans­for­med into sin­ging scores in the past years. For the per­for­mance in Hal­le she invi­ted the sin­gers Ange­li­na Iva­no­va and Lorenz Pfüt­zen­reu­ter to inter­pret with her the scores.


Extract from “The Com­plex Songs” by Sara Ham­dy, with Ange­li­na Iva­no­va and Lorenz Pfüt­zen­reu­ter, 21.10.2019, WUK Thea­ter­quar­tier and Radio CORAX 95.9



Pho­to: Mar­cus-Andre­as Mohr

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