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Die Stimmung des Geräuschs – matinee concert

To con­clu­de the third Radio Art Resi­den­cy, André Damião per­forms a mati­nee con­cert in the courty­ard of Burg Gie­bichen­stein (Cam­pus Kunst).

On Thurs­day, June 6 / 5pm 
Burg Gie­bichen­stein / Cam­pus Kunst (Unter­burg Gie­bichen­stein, See­be­ner Stra­ße 1, Halle)

André Damião works trans­ver­sal­ly bet­ween music and elec­tro­nic arts. His work reflects cri­ti­cal­ly on the gen­re of elec­tro­nic art and the pro­duc­tion of music by employ­ing mobi­le, par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry music with por­ta­ble elec­tro­nic devices. During his three-mon­th resi­den­cy in Hal­le, Damião foun­ded a Noi­se Crowd which car­ri­es in several mobi­le radio per­for­man­ces elec­tro-acoustic sounds into public space and explo­res the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween space and sound on and off air.


Pho­to: Mer­lind Papke

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