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André Damião takes electroacoustic music to the streets

André Damião, 2018


André Damião is the next artist in resi­dence at Radio CORAX. The artist works bet­ween the fiel­ds of music and elec­tro­nic arts and expe­ri­ments with self-built mobi­le devices as means for iti­nerant sound art pro­duc­tion. In São Pau­lo André was deve­lo­ping a Noi­se Crowd (Blo­co Ruí­do) as a Car­ne­val group, which cros­ses the city cent­re on Ash Wed­nes­days. During his resi­dence at Radio CORAX he wants to extend this prac­ti­ce of mobi­le sound art to the radio.






André Damião talks about the idea behind the Blo­co Ruí­do, his art­work and the upco­m­ing Radio Art Residency:

fea­turing the pie­ces “Feedthe­ra­dio­back” (30th Bienal de São Pau­lo, 2012) and “Nar­va 2” (2015)



Pho­to: André Damião


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