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Cactus, Behman Hospital-Helwan 2019; Credit: Wafaa Samir

Bring us your plant


I invi­te you to crea­te an ima­gi­na­ry gar­den with me
It is a space for plants to talk,
And for us to talk with them.
I once loved a plant with all my heart, 
It was a cac­tus plant. 
It was hard every time I was sad, and the­re was dif­fi­cul­ty every time I was happy.
It was torn from my heart, then my heart exploded.


From Novem­ber 23rd to Novem­ber 30th, Sara Ham­dy, artist in resi­dence at Radio CORAX, turns the gal­le­ry Blech, Raum für Kunst Hal­le, into a gar­den and radio space.

For this event, plant lovers are invi­ted to con­tri­bu­te their favo­ri­te plants to the instal­la­ti­on and let it be part of the ima­gi­na­ry gar­den for the time of the exhi­bi­ti­on. All plants will be very well taken care of.

On Satur­day, Novem­ber 23rd, the space will be ope­ned with a live radio per­for­mance, for which we invi­te all plant con­tri­bu­ters and par­ti­ci­pants to wan­der through the garden.

Bring us your special plant:
We open the doors for your contribution at Blech, Raum für Kunst Halle e.V., Am Steintor 19
from Nov 15th – Nov 22nd, daily from 3 pm–5 pm

& from Nov 24th – Nov 29th, dai­ly from 5 pm–8 pm

Opening: On Saturday, November 23rd, at 6.30 pm:

with a live radio per­for­mance, for which we invi­te all plant con­tri­bu­ters and par­ti­ci­pants to wan­der through the garden.

The gar­den and radio instal­la­ti­on is part of Sara Ham­dy’s long-term pro­ject Mar­gins for Mad­ness: Unde­s­i­ra­ble Monu­ments, an ongo­ing rese­arch loo­king at the ways in which mad­ness and unre­a­son are social­ly con­struc­ted. How is mad­ness embo­di­ed and embed­ded in public space? The simul­ta­ne­ous seclu­si­on and exte­rio­ri­ty of urban gar­dens and rural woods are a meta­phor for madness.


Pho­to: Cac­tus, Beh­man Hos­pi­tal-Hel­wan 2019; Credit: Wafaa Samir

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