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Raven Show. A mobile radio performance


Hi lis­teners,
this is an invi­ta­ti­on for your lon­ging ears and tongues:
On the upco­m­ing Sunday night the Raven Show takes place around the Bruch­see in Hal­le Neu­stadt. This show is a mobi­le radio per­for­mance in the con­ti­nua­tion of the broad­cast Find Your Own Raven Voice, a live on-air-play which was hap­pe­ning for the mon­th of Octo­ber on Radio CORAX.
The Raven Show crea­tes a moment for ravens to take shape, to dance, sing and to scream. Say hel­lo to win­ter, to the trees, the birds, the stones and the water. Come along with your flash­lights, your noi­se and your ener­gy and join our stroll around the lake!


On site: Novem­ber 25, 8 p.m., Am Bruch­see, Halle-Neustadt

On air: Novem­ber 25, 8 p.m., Radio CORAX 95.9 FM and online



Pho­to: Clai­re Serres


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