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Performance artist Claire Serres is next artist-in-residence

Per­for­mance artist Clai­re Ser­res from Paris is, fol­lowing Sol Rez­za, the next reci­pi­ent of the Radio Art Resi­den­cy, a coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween Radio Corax and the Goe­the-Insti­tut, star­ting in Sep­tem­ber 2018.

What does it mean to iden­ti­fy with a voice?“

Wit­hin the cour­se of the three-mon­th resi­den­cy, Clai­re Ser­res will explo­re the human voice in the medi­um of radio: What does it mean to speak on the radio? To be iden­ti­fied with a voice, to repre­sent a voice?

The artist loo­ks for ans­wers in the varied and demo­cra­tic free radio. With body and voice as her tools, Clai­re Ser­res will under­ta­ke a radio­pho­nic meta­mor­pho­sis, broad­cas­ting her embo­di­ment of the radio.

Per­for­mance is a mind­set, an appearan­ce, an error.“








Clai­re Ser­res works as an edi­tor for the free Radio Fré­quence Paris Plu­ri­el­le 106.3 FM and sin­ce 2000 as a per­for­mance artist. She rea­li­zes her art­works in the public space using video, sound, radio and the inter­net amongst other media, and has pre­vious­ly been fea­tured at docu­men­ta 14 Radio (2017), Muse­um for Modern and Con­tem­pora­ry Art Stras­bourg (2016), Art’s Bir­th­day SWR/E‑Werk Frei­burg (2014), and Aka­de­mie der Bil­den­den Küns­te Wien (2011).



Pho­tos: Clai­re Serres


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