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Sol Rezza

Sound desi­gner and sound artist Sol Rez­za is going to be the first artist in resi­dence at Radio Art Resi­den­cy in Hal­le (Saa­le).

Sound is a phy­si­cal phe­no­me­non, it pas­ses through all our perceptions. 

Born in 1982 in Argen­ti­na, Sol Rez­za lives today in a small town west of Mexi­co City. She is regar­ded as one of the most semi­nal voices in the sound and radio art sce­ne in Latin Ame­ri­ca. Rez­za stu­di­ed radio pro­duc­tion in Bue­nos Aires. In 2006 she tra­v­eled with the mobi­le radio pro­ject “Estu­dio Rodan­te” through Latin Ame­ri­ca, making radio with free and indi­ge­nous radi­os bet­ween Argen­ti­na and Mexi­co. In her radio works Rez­za com­bi­nes his­to­ri­cal sound docu­ments, field record­ings, mani­pu­la­ted and syn­the­tic sounds into acoustic nar­ra­ti­ves. Out­side the radio space, Rez­za crea­tes immer­si­ve acoustic spaces in instal­la­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces. → artist web­site


During her resi­dence Sol Rez­za crea­ted an acoustic map of the city of Hal­le (Saa­le). → Sol Rez­za @Radio Art Residency

Lis­ten to selec­ted pie­ces and broad­casts → Audio

Sound Map­ping the City” can be dis­co­ve­r­ed here:

Pho­to: Dani­el Iván

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