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André Damião

Fol­lowing in the foots­teps of sound artist Sol Rez­za and per­for­mance artist Clai­re Ser­res, the Bra­zi­li­an com­po­ser and media artist André Damião holds the Radio Art Residency’s third scho­l­ar­s­hip. Damião works trans­ver­sal­ly bet­ween the fiel­ds of music and elec­tro­nic art. His work reflects cri­ti­cal­ly on the gen­re of elec­tro­nic art by employ­ing mobi­le, inter­ac­ti­ve music with por­ta­ble elec­tro­nic devices. In São Pau­lo Damião was deve­lo­ping a Noi­se Crowd (Blo­co Ruí­do) as a Car­ne­val group, which cros­ses the city cent­re on Ash Wed­nes­days making noi­se with self-built elec­tro­nic instru­ments. During his resi­dence at Radio CORAX the artist extends this prac­ti­ce of mobi­le sound art to the radio. → André Damião @Radio Art Residency

The idea of the Blo­co Ruí­do is to lea­ve the con­cert room, as a first pre­mi­se. It’s a very nai­ve pre­mi­se in a sen­se: let’s take the spea­kers out to the street. But then when you do that lots of other ele­ments are brought up to your per­cep­ti­on. It chan­ges the model of per­for­mance, the model of thin­king about music and the pro­cess of making music. And, it puts in ques­ti­on the idea of the com­po­ser, of the per­for­mer, the idea of the audience. 

André Damião gra­dua­ted in Com­po­si­ti­on at the Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty of São Pau­lo (UNESP), and is a PhD stu­dent in Sono­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of São Pau­lo (USP). His works have been pre­sen­ted at the 30th São Pau­lo Art Bien­ni­al, at the Sci­ence Gal­le­ry in Lon­don and at the Mata Fes­ti­val in New York, among others. → artist website


Lis­ten to selec­ted radio com­po­si­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces → Audio

André Damião, Pho­to: Mar­cus-Andre­as Mohr

Blo­co Ruí­do in São Pau­lo; Pho­to: André Damião

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